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Mike Mazzei

Mazzei Minute: 09/27/24

The annual battles for a spending plan have begun. After last year’s budget plan blew

up with nearly $2 trillion of borrowed money being used to pay this year's bills, you

would think they would decide to rein in spending. But then you would be wrong.

Although a short-term agreement has been reached, the White House and U.S. Senate

Democrats don’t seem interested in reducing spending. Republicans in the House want

any full-year plan to include the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act) to

the upcoming government funding bill.

Simply put, the SAVE Act attempts to ensure that only American citizens vote in our

elections. Implementing the SAVE Act would uncover the great scam of the radical left

about the border, illegal immigration and voter fraud. Why protect the border when

states like California welcome illegal immigrants, give them driver’s licenses, register

them to vote, and encourage them to cast blue ballots?

Democrats obviously want to make America California, but some states like Virginia and

Texas are fighting back. According to the Washington Examiner earlier this month,

Virginia removed 6,303 noncitizens from the state’s voting rolls, and Texas recently

announced removing over 6,500 noncitizens from its rolls.

The liberal media describes the SAVE Act as an attempt to restrict voting rights,

implying that conservatives want to take away people’s right to vote. It is maddening to

see the leftist powers of censorship and woke ideology “spin” everyone into thinking that

only Americans voting in America’s elections is somehow nefarious.

As Governor Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) declared, “Call me crazy, but I think American

elections should be decided by American citizens.”


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